Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Virtual power plant - Trial Site Cologne
Future internet developing the B2B energy eco-system
Topics | Cross border Virtual Power Plant (VPP) |
Lead partner / Contact information |
Ulrich Hacker, e-mail: |

In Aachen and Cologne will set up a virtual supply unit, in a cooperation of different partners. Modern technology combines various supply units based on renewable energy sources, which are actually used to be a "smart utility".
Renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar power and biomass are virtually interconnected and used as one supply unit. This supply unit generates energy free from CO2.
Currently, a Demand-Side-Management is developed in a partnering with an intelligent scale factory, as a sample consumer. This management system shall be used to find the optimal balance between production and demand. One goal is to support the increase of the share of renewable energy within Europe.
Resources such as sun and wind don't stop at network or country borders. The implementation of the cross-border VPP exemplifies how the challenges of the usage of renewable energy are to be solved with modern technologies in a secure, reliable and trustworthy way.
By means of intelligent data processing and automated aggregation of the consumer data an anonymous utilization is possible. The cross-border Virtual Power Plang (VPP) allows for the partners and all participants the development of the business model related to energy production and energy sale. With an actual usage example a binding schedule can be developed, which in turn contributes to an optimal pricing structure.
An API that has been developed for this project offers the possibility of a gateway for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to participate in the context of the project.
So we are looking for SMEs, which want to support the program with innovative applications and business ideas. Topics are amongst others the visualisation of energy production and energy consumption, development of control software for the demand-side consumer et cetera.
More complex applications such as for example the development of a planning tool for the energy consumption of middle-class manufacturers can be integrated via this gateway as well. In this example, the output generated is seen as a micro schedule and integrated into the system as a part of the database in order to conduct the automated consumption analysis. These applications allow for the optimal energetically regulation of a manufacturing taking into consideration the maximal possible share of renewable energy.
Further information:
The Consolidated Trial Description represents the first public deliverable in the FINESCE project. It gives an overview of the infrastructures being used for the FINESCE field trials.