Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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FINSENY (Future INternet for Smart ENergY) was one of the 1st phase use case projects of the FI-PPP programme and predecessor of FINESCE.
Planning of the future energy supply means defining optimum trade-offs between reliability, sustainability and costs. The increasing use of renewable energy sources is creating new challenges for energy providers. Peaks in energy generation are happening more frequently and require new solutions to maintain the reliability of the supply. At the same time, users are being empowered to take an active role in the energy arena as prosumers and operators of micro-grids.
Future Internet technologies will play a critical role in the development of Smart Energy infrastructures, enabling new functionality while reducing costs.
In the FINSENY project, key actors from the ICT and energy sectors teamed-up to identify the ICT requirements of Smart Energy Systems. This
led to the definition of new solutions and standards, verified in a
large scale pan-European Smart Energy trial. Project results contributed to the emergence of a sustainable Smart Energy
infrastructure, based on new products and services, to the benefit of
all European citizens and the environment.
As part of the FI-PPP programme, FINSENY analysed energy-specific requirements, developed solutions to address these requirements, and prepared for a Smart Energy trial in phase two of the programme.
FINSENY led to the following outcomes:
- Analysis of scenarios, identification of requirements; reference architectures
- Identification of generic ICT platform enablers
- Selected domain-specific enablers
- Preparation of pan-European use case trials
- Cross-industry standardisation strategy
For more information visit FINSENY homepage: