Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: Joint INCENSe / FINESCE workshop
INCENSe and FINESCE organized a joint workshop for developers of start-up companies from the field of smart energy supporting them in their work with FIWARE.
On June 25th the joint INCENSe/FINESCE workshop took place in Rome.
14 start-up companies got a detailed presentation about the FINESCE trial sites, the implemented use cases and how FIWARE Generic Enablers were integrated in the architecture of the trials.
Developers presented for Developers in a very practical way discussing architecture models , different ways to use and integrate Generic Enablers and how one can quickly setup a software feature based on FIWARE.
The start-ups especially appreciated the direct relation to live Smart Energy use case showing how diverse FIWARE can be used to create new Smart Energy services and how the FINESCE API provides easy access to the data of the trial sites.
In the afternoon all Start-ups got the opportunity to directly get a feedback on their architecture models by the FIWARE-experienced developers of the FINESCE trials and exchanged their experiences.
The workshop ended with an hands-on session showing tips and tricks to utilise the Orion GE in a very fast way.
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View the presentations of the workshop:
FINESCE in a nutshell, Alexander von Jagwitz, B.A.U.M. Consult
The FIWARE ecosystem from a developers point of view, Julian Krenge, FIR
FIWARE Coaching for INCENSe, Pasquale Andriani, Engineering
FIWARE lab: Experiences shared by a SME, Vicens Fayos, Data Look
An energy marketplace as a practical example of Future Internet enablers integration, Massimiliano Nigrelli, Engineering
A holistic view on energy consumption and generation in Smart Homes, Marko Kuder, Xlab
shopfloor energy consumption in a smart factory, Julian
Krenge, FIR,
Future Internet in Smart Grid Communications, Ramon Martin de Pozuelo, LaSalle
of energy price data with smart customers, Nicolas
Berr, RWTH Aachen
Get access to FINESCE data and trial sites via the FINESCE API, Artemis Voulkidis, Synelixis
Using FIWARE map viewer map together with Orion context broker for showing
Point interests (POIs) in real time, Vicens
Fayos, Data Look