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Video blog from FIA 2013 in Dublin
Smart Cities, Internet of Things, 5G Network Infrastructure – these
and many more topics are covered in short video statements from the Future Internet Assembly (FIA), which took place in Dublin on 8-10 May 2013.
More than 30 European experts from the European Commission, the FI-PPP programme, industry and research
gave short statements on their views on future research trends and
topical Internet issues.
The videoblog includes statements of the 1st day´s sessions
"Innovation Stream", "Technology Views" and of the 2nd day´s "Opening
Session Future Internet Public-Private Partnership". Get an impression
of the projects presenting themselves at the exhibition and many more.
DAY 3: FIA at a glance
Mário Campolargo, Director for “Net Futures” in DG CONNECT, EU Commission [download mp4]
DAY 3: Goodbye FIA from the organisers
Sinead Quealy, Senior Project Manager, Waterford Institute of Technology [download mp4]
DAY 3 Workshop Future Internet Private Partnership
Ragnar Bergström, Project Officer, European Commission [download mp4]
DAY 3: Public consultation: Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for FI-PPP
Dr. Werner Mohr, Nokia Siemens Networks [download mp4]
DAY 3 Closing Plenary Session
Future Internet Assembly - The Book
Alex Galis, Professional Research Fellow, University College London [download mp4]
DAY 3 Exhibition - Project SPITFIRE
Oliver Kleine, PHD Student, University of Lübeck [download mp4]
DAY 3 Exhibition - Project Smart Santander
Veronica Gutierrez, Reseacher at University of Cantabria [download mp4]
DAY 3 Exhibition - Project SPECIFI
Sergi Fernandez, i2CAT Foundation, Director of Audiovisual Unit [download mp4]
DAY 3 Exhibition - Project SOCIETIES
Mark Roddy, Project Workpackage Leader/Research, TSSG [download mp4]
DAY 2 Get Together
[download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Sessions
Boosting the App Economy
Maria Concepcion Anton Garcia, Seconded National Expert, Project Officer, Net Innovation, EU Commission [download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Session Network Operator's Perspective
Gaby Lenhart, Senior Research Officer, Strategy and new Initiatives, ETSI
Sorry for the bad sound quality which occured due to an broken audio connection! [download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Session Capitalizing on sounds
Serge Fdida, Vice President European Affairs, Sorbonne Universitès
Sorry for the bad sound quality which occured due to an broken audio connection! [download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Sessions
IOT Business
Srdjan Kryco, Senior Researcher, Ericsson [download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Session
Bringing Users In
Géraldine Quetin, Senior Consultant, InterInnov [download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Session
EU-US Innovation Platforms
Nikolaos Isaris, Deputy Head of Unit, Net Futures, European Commission [download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Session
IoT Architectures
Dr. Joao Schwarz Da Silva, Research Fellow, University of Luxembourg
[download mp4]
DAY 2: Parallel Sessions
Green ICT
Dr. Klaus Wuenstel, Future Internet Reseach, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
Ragnar Bergström, Project Officer, European Commission [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
Future Internet PPP
Juanjo Hierro (Telefonica Digital), Future Internet PPP Chief Architect, FI-WARE
Sorry for the bad sound quality which occured due to an broken audio connection! [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
FI-Ware Open Innovation Project Lab
Dr. Andreas Metzger, Technical Architect, FI-Space Project [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
What is FINESCE about?
Dr. Fiona Williams, Reseach Director, Ericsson GmbH [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
The CONCORD Project
David Kennedy, Director of Eurescom [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
Crossroad between Media Content Networks & Creativity
Carmen Mac Williams, Director, Grassroots Arts [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
What is FI-Ware about?
Stefano di Panfilis, Chief Innovation Officer, Engineering, FI-Ware [download mp4]
DAY 2: Opening Session - Future Internet Public-Private Partnership
Join the FI-PPP Family!
Nuria de Lama, Atos Research & Innovation [download mp4]
DAY 1: Welcome from FIA in Dublin
Dr. Fiona Williams, Reseach Director, Ericsson GmbH
Peter Fatelnig, EU Commission, Net Innovation [download mp4]
DAY 1: Opening Session
Views from the top
Sean Sherlock, Minister of State, Dept. of Enterprise
Zoran Stancic, EU Commission, Deputy Director General
Joan Mulvihill, CEO, Irish Internet Association [download mp4]
DAY 1: Session Technology Stream
Towards the open innovation World
Prof. Martin Curley, Vice President, Intel Labs, Director [download mp4]
DAY1: Session Technology Stream
Bold and ambitious Challenges
Thierry van Landegem, Alcatel-Lucent, Vice President of Global Operations Bell Labs [download mp4]
DAY 1: Session Technology Views
Getting the best out of the Network
Dr. Hendrik Berndt, DOCOMO, CSO, Vice President [download mp4]
DAY 1: Session Innovation Stream
How to stimulate demand for FI Technologies
Mischa Dohler, Worldsensing, CTTC [download mp4]
DAY 1: Session Innovation Stream
The next wave of Internet- Everyone will be connected
The next wave of Internet- Everyone will be connected
Dr. Stefan Ferber, Bosch Software Innovations GmbH [download mp4]
DAY 1: Session Innovation Stream
What are the European Potentials
What are the European PotentialsProf. Dr. Reinhard Posch, Chief Technology Officer of Austria [download mp4]
DAY 1: Session Innovation Stream - Transfer of Research Results
Piyush Unalkat, European Investment Fund, Principal, Equity Fund Investments
Gearoid Mooney, Enterprise Ireland, Director of ICT [download mp4]
DAY 1: Wrap-up of the first FIA Day
Mario Campolargo, European Commission DG CONNECT, Director Net.Futures [download mp4]