Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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The FI-PPP is an industry-led and user-driven innovation programme with a focus on Europe. It is part of the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and receives funding by the EC. The FI-PPP programme is performed in three phases from 2011 to 2015.
With over a billion users world-wide, the Internet is one of history’s great success stories. Its global, integrated communications infrastructures and service platforms underpin the fabric of the European economy and society. Yet today’s Internet was designed in the 1970s, for purposes that bear little resemblance to current and future usage scenarios. Mismatches between the original design goals and how the Internet is being used are beginning to hamper its potential. Many challenges in the areas of technology, business, society and governance will have to be overcome if the future development of the Internet is to sustain the networked society of tomorrow.
To answer these challenges, the European Commission has launched the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership Programme (FI-PPP).
The main goal is to advance a shared vision for harmonised European-scale technology platforms and their implementation, as well as the integration and harmonisation of the relevant policy, legal, political and regulatory frameworks. As set forth in the Digital Agenda for Europe, these are considered to be prerequisites for realizing a European online Digital Single Market (DSM) and, more broadly, an inclusive knowledge society.
Increase the effectiveness of business processes and infrastructures supporting applications in areas such as transport, health, and energy.
Derive innovative business models that strengthen the competitive position of European industry in sectors such as telecommunication, mobile devices, software and services, and content provision and media.
- The FI-PPP follows an industry-driven, holistic approach encompassing R&D on network and communication infrastructures, devices, software, service and media technologies;
- In parallel, it promotes their experimentation and validation in real application contexts, bringing together demand and supply and involving users early in the research lifecycle.
- The new platform will thus be used by a range actors, in particular SMEs and Public Administrations, to validate the technologies in the context of smart applications and their ability to support «user driven» innovation schemes.
- The map of planned Future Internet PPP Pilot sites
The FI-PPP library offeres links to the publications and results of FI-PPP project:
Use Cases in Phase 2 of FI-PPP programme (2013-2014):
FINESCE - Future Internet Smart Utilitiy Services
FIspace - Future Internet Business Collaboration Networks in Agri-Food, Transport and Logistics
FI-Star - Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research
FITMAN - Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing industries
FI-CONTENT 2 - Future media Internet for large scale CONTent experimENTation
Cross-cutting projects within the FI-PPP programme:
INFINITY has the main objective to put at the disposal of Future Internet developers and experimenters information on experimental infrastructures that could be used for large-scale trials, thus facilitating and accelerating the introduction of Future Internet related products and solutions.