Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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27.03.2015 Review: FINESCE at the Net Futures 2015
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Review: FINESCE at the Net Futures 2015
As part of a joint FIWARE booth, FINESCE attended the Net Futures 2015 and presented a new idea for a shared European ICT platform for developing and testing Smart Energy applications.
Under the motto ‘born to scale’, the European Commission hosted the first Net Futures in Brussels this March. The Net Futures is replacing the well-established Future Internet Assembly (FIA). In 2015, the event featured 25 exhibitors representing European Research & Demonstration projects as well as innovation success stories and attracted more than 1000 visitors.
The conference and exhibition brought together experts from the areas of:
• Research & Innovation
• Market Validation & Living Lab Research
• Business Development, Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Strategy
• Policy Making
The FINESCE team attended as part of the joint FIWARE booth and presented a new idea for a shared European ICT platform for developing and testing Smart Energy applications and the definition of hard-and software standards that is currently being implemented. Additionally, FINESCE presented successful applications based on FIWARE Future Internet technology that have been tested at the seven trial sites across Europe. At the new platform, users will have the opportunity to test new applications and services with real-life data from the FINESCE trial sites.
The platform was visualized with a real-life tree – with the trial sites at the root of the tree, the FIWARE Generic Enablers at the trunk and the applications and services that have been successfully implemented as the ‘fruits’.
The conference and exhibition brought together experts from the areas of:
• Research & Innovation
• Market Validation & Living Lab Research
• Business Development, Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Strategy
• Policy Making
The FINESCE team attended as part of the joint FIWARE booth and presented a new idea for a shared European ICT platform for developing and testing Smart Energy applications and the definition of hard-and software standards that is currently being implemented. Additionally, FINESCE presented successful applications based on FIWARE Future Internet technology that have been tested at the seven trial sites across Europe. At the new platform, users will have the opportunity to test new applications and services with real-life data from the FINESCE trial sites.
The platform was visualized with a real-life tree – with the trial sites at the root of the tree, the FIWARE Generic Enablers at the trunk and the applications and services that have been successfully implemented as the ‘fruits’.
For additional information, visit the Net Futures 2015 website.
Read the event review of the FIA 2014 in Athens!
Impressions from the Net Futures 2015:

Günther H. Oettinger visiting the FIWARE booth

The FINESCE booth

Organiser: European Commission