
Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“

Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“

Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“

Latest news

25.06.2015 Review: Joint INCENSe / FINESCE workshop
17.06.2015 Special Session on Event-based Energy Metering and Control at EBCCSP 2015 in Krakow, Poland
27.04.2015 Review: FINESCE Open Day Trial Site Malmö
20.04.2015 Flexible Electrical Networks FEN - 3. Low-voltage workshop
27.03.2015 Review: FINESCE at the Net Futures 2015

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Public deliverables

Here you can download the public deliverables resulting from the FINESCE project.



  Brochure of the FINESCE project results
  Deliverable 1.7 "Trial Results Malmö"
WP1’s final trial results: "FI providing the sustainable smart city energy eco-systemy"
  Deliverable 2.7 "Trial Results Horsens"
WP2's final trial results: "FI for end users of energy eco-systems"
  Deliverable 2.7 "Trial Results Madrid"
WP2’s final trial results: "FI for end users of energy eco-systems"
WP3’s final trial results: "FI developing the B2B energy ecosystem"
  Deliverable 4.7 "Trial Results Terni"
WP4’s final trial results: "FI building the Energy Marketplace"
  Deliverable 5.7 "Trial Results Dublin"
WP5’s final trial results: "FI in electricity in action"

The design and dissemination of the communication material was part of the FINESCE project in order to attract local, national and international utilities, IT and telecommunication industry (especially SMEs), authorities and innovative experts. 
FINESCE organised 5 innovation events that especially targeted start-ups and business entrepreneurs. This deliverable describes the key elements and the results of the FINESCE innovation events.

This document describes the current status and planned development of Work Packages 1 – 5 in terms of their used external technologies, Generic Enablers, planned developments and innovations. The goal is to give a consistent and concise overview of the plan within the different trial sites and to allow the identification of FINESCE-internal synergies as well as to inform project-external parties.
The deliverable shows how FIWARE technology was used by the FINESCE SME partners.
  Deliverable 6.8 "Student Case Competition"

This deliverable reports the Case Competition for the Topic "Connected Energy”. It gives a detailed description how the Competition was planned and conducted. Also, the case solution of three different teams is described.
  Deliverable 6.9 "Report on Dissemination Activities"

The deliverable describes the FINESCE dissemination activities carried out according to the goals and requirements of the FINESCE project and the FI-PPP programmes.
  Deliverable 6.10 "Dissemination Support of FI-PPP programme"

The deliverable describes the activities to support and promote the FI-PPP programme, the FIWARE/FICORE project and the FI-PPP phase 3 ("FIWARE Accelerator Programme”) carried out by the FINESCE work package 6 "Dissemination and Business Exploitation”.
  Deliverable 7.2 "Consolidated Trial Description"
The Consolidated Trial Description represents the first public deliverable in the FINESCE project. It gives an overview of the infrastructures being used for the FINESCE field trials.

Consolidated mid-term analysis of generic enablers and domain specific enablers integration and trial impact.
  Deliverable 7.5 "Consolidated Analysis of Generic Enablers and Domain Specific Enablers Integration"
This report is a consolidated final report on the integration of GEs and DSEs into the FINESCE trial site infrastructures.
This report is a consolidated report on the "soft” results of the FINESCE trials so far, i.e. results from user interactions with the trials, user feedback on the trials and learnings from the trials.
  Deliverable 7.7 "Consolidated FINESCE API and Handbook"
The Consolidated FINESCE API and Handbook overviews and documents the FINESCE API specification. The set of services provided by the FINESE trials to interested parties and in particular the FI-PPP Phase III projects are presented and explained. The goal of this handbook is to provide a complete, consistent and homogenous overview of the FINESCE API in order to facilitate exploitation from third parties and allow for building smart energy ecosystems on top of the FI-enabled FINESCE trial infrastructures.
The FINESCE trials comprise seven trial sites developed by five vertical work packages (WP) covering Smart Energy areas where Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can beneficially be applied.
This report provides and overview of the key innovations developed in the FINESCE trials of FIWARE for Smart Energy and places the innovation in the context of changing business conditions and models in the Energy Sector.
  Deliverable 7.11 "Consolidated Support of FI-PPP"
This report consolidates FINESCE activities supporting the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership Programme (FI-PPP). It describes the FINESCE contribution to the coordinating activities of the FI-PPP, the evaluation and integration of the FIWARE platform and GEs as a best practice example and the support for SMEs in Phase II and III.

Deliverable 7.12 "FINESCE Data Repository in FIWARE Lab Data"

FINESCE provides live data from its trial sites over the FINESCE API. This document describes how this data has been published as open, historical data through the FIWARE Lab Data platform, ensuring that the Smart Energy data of FINESCE remains available after the live data streams stop.
This report is about the unification and consolidation of the trial site specific data models onto a single data model for the Smart Energy Platform.
This report is an analysis of how the implemented trial site systems architectures could be mapped onto a platform architecture.