Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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17.06.2015 Special Session on Event-based Energy Metering and Control at EBCCSP 2015 in Krakow, Poland
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20.04.2015 Flexible Electrical Networks FEN - 3. Low-voltage workshop
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Review: FINESCE Final Conference "Utility 4.0"
On the 15th and 16th of September 2015 the FINESCE Final Conference took place. Under the heading “Utility 4.0” around 100 representatives from the energy and the ICT industry, from the research and the public sector met at the EIT Digital Node Berlin to discuss about how Future Internet components enable the Smart Energy system of tomorrow.
After welcomes by FINESCE project officer Fiona Williams, Ericsson, and
by Udo Bub, head of the EIT Digital Berlin Node, Ragnar Bergstrom and
Ilkka Lakaniemi from DG Connect presented their vision of how FIWARE
will develop after the end of FI-PPP and how FIWARE is already becoming a
globally used software platform.
The topic of the event was then
introduced by the presentation on the EIT Smart Energy Action Line by
Heiko Lehmann, EIT Digital, and by the FINESCE technical manager
Antonello Monti, RWTH Aachen. He showed how the growing share of
renewable energy and the increasing incorporation of ever smarter
components into the energy system enabled by ICT technologies challenge
the model of how utilities work today.
The result is that new players are entering the energy systems and markets as well as that utilities
have to embark on new roads regarding the services and products they
offer as well as the services and components they resort to for offering
their products and services.
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Presentations by Fiona Williams (Project coordinator), Ragnar Bergstrom
(DG Connect), Ilkka Lakaniemi (FI-PPP), Antonello Monti (Technical
Manager) (Left to right) |
Another important development affecting
the future development of the energy system was added by Ludwig Karg,
head of B.A.U.M. Consult, who pointed out that it will be of crucial
importance to include people in their different roles of consumers,
customers and citizens. Fiona Williams explained how FIWARE allows
utilities as well as other companies from the energy and ICT sector to
meet all these challenges in a low-cost, fast and easily scalable way by
offering an open-source, royalty-free standard software components,
which was shown in the FINESCE project.
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Discussions with the audience at the FINESCE Final Event |
The second part of the first
day consequently dealt with new utility services facilitated by ICT and
ICT platforms. The FINESCE trial sites presented how they used FIWARE to
develop, test and implement smart energy applications in order to offer
new services. György Dan from the KTH in Stockholm added the security
perspective when offering such services through ICT.
The evening event
focussed on gaming and gamification as one means to involve consumers
and customers. Walter Kriha, HdM Stuttgart, demonstrated the challenges
when developing (serious) games ranging from security issues to
scalability and the "uncanny valley” problem. Afterwards the serious
games developed in FINESCE were presented and participants could take
part in a tournament of one of these games, Energy Town.
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The Networking session |
Walter Kriha (HdM Stuttgart) presenting at the evening event |
second day concentrated on the topic of (ICT) platforms as enablers for
new utility services and the role of platforms in the future energy
system. After a presentation of the work of the Decentralized Microgrid
Innovation Center by Thomas Vögele, DFKI, Antonello Monti presented the
FINESCE Smart Energy Platform (SEP) as one outcome of the project that
will be developed further and his vision that the FINESCE SEP will serve
as a tool for developing, testing and implementing smart energy
applications being compatible with other software solutions and thus
applicable in various contexts.
Afterwards, other examples of platforms
as business enablers within the energy sector were showcased: Albana
Ilo, TU Wien, presented ZUQDE, Frank Robert, GreenCom Networks,
introduced BEEGY, Torsten Birn showed how Omnetric works by using a
platform, David Nestle, Fraunhofer IWES, presented OGEMA, and Oliver
Roos explained the approach of Intel. Under the moderation of Ludwig
Karg, the different approaches of these platform providers were
discussed with the experts Hartmut Schmeck, KIT, and Walter Kriha.
Aspects addressed within the discussion concerned platform architecture,
availability, trustworthiness and resilience, data management, privacy
and security, ICT and Control, and market platforms.
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Impressions from the platform panel with Walter Kriha (HdM Stuttgart), Hartmut Schmeck (KIT), Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult), Antonello Monti (RWTH Aachen), Oliver Roos (Intel), Frank Robert (GreenCom Networks), David Nestle (Fraunhofer IWES), Robert Birn (Omnetric), and Albana Ilo (TU Wien) |
For more
information on how you can use FIWARE and the FINESCE Smart Energy
Platform for your Smart Energy Applications, please have a look at the FINESCE Brochure.