Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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17.06.2015 Special Session on Event-based Energy Metering and Control at EBCCSP 2015 in Krakow, Poland
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20.04.2015 Flexible Electrical Networks FEN - 3. Low-voltage workshop
27.03.2015 Review: FINESCE at the Net Futures 2015
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FINESCE welcomes the Open Call winners
FINESCE welcomes the ten Open Call winners as new partners. Read their short profiles and get informed about their ideas and projects.
The winners of the FINESCE Open Call were announced in April 2014 and did already participate in the FINESCE General Meeting in Aachen. We welcome all the interesting new partners and would like to introduce them and their aims in the FINESCE project.

The Danish company Delveco is specialized in communication systems for Automatic Meter Reading, Advanced Meter Reading and Smart Metering combined with Home Automation. For the FINESCE project, they will develop a new ZigBee based device which offers the opportunity to include "live” measurements of the produced electricity for the users. The measurements will be integrated in the trial sites in Horsens and Madrid the same way as the existing measurements and hence take advantage of the trial infrastructure based on Generic Enablers.

devolo AG, based in Aachen, is the global market leader in the powerline segment and has one of the largest powerline developer teams in the world. The overall goal of its project FIPONET is to combine an advanced metering infrastructure with a demand side management for the FINESCE Trial Site in Terni, Italy. It enables all stakeholders to optimize the degree of capacity utilization while maintaining grid stability. The FIPONET project supports FINESCE by developing, verifying and testing a high-speed narrow-band powerline communication infrastructure for Smart Grid applications.

The new FINESCE-partner DunavNET will develop a serious game and Augmented Reality applications. DunavNET was established in 2006 in Ireland and Serbia and is specialized in the development and maintenance of complete applications and products.
A serious game based on block building (e.g. "minecraft creative mode concept) will be developed. The concept of the game will involve solving related missions at all seven trail sites, which will be shown on an interactive map.

LaSalle R&D, a research and development institute from Barcelona specialized on innovative and unique solutions in the ICT sector, will contribute to the trial site in Ireland. They will combine their experiences from the FP7 INTEGRIS project with the use of Generic Enablers within FINESCE. The intention is to merge the FINSENY/FINESCE approach with the INTEGRIS approach by adapting the concepts developed in INTEGRIS to the FI-WARE eco-system of Generic Enablers (GEs) and cloud approach. The advantage for the FINSENY, FINESCE and the overall FI-WARE concept is that its reach into distribution networks will be extended.

The new FINESCE-partner SEnerCon from Germany is specialised in developing interactive online tools to help increase the energy efficiency of homes. For the FINESCE Trial Site in Horsens, Denmark, SEnerCon is developing the Heat Monitor, a web application for customers and prosumers of smart buildings to understand, manage and optimise their electricity and heat energy demand. The evaluations and graphical visualizations provided by Heat Monitor help inhabitants to identify energy losses, defects and saving potentials. In that way, they can assess their heat energy demand independent of weather conditions.

For the FINESCE Smart Factory in Aachen, the German company SOPTIM AG will develop a visualization tool that displays information about the production and power consumption of the factory. The trial site focuses on balancing the electricity produced in the virtual power plant (VPP) with the consumption of the smart factory in real-time. The goal is to extend this real-time balancing mechanism to the near future (namely day-ahead) and enable the factory operator to follow agreed consumption plans. In addition to the visualization, SOPTIM will build a production plan-to-power prognosis system. The utilization of the FINESCE API and Generic Enablers will be essential to realize the project.

TM-TeamWare is an engineering company focused on the design and development of electronic equipment and system applications and especially provides innovative solutions applied in the fields of electricity metering and power quality monitoring systems. The Intelligent Automated Metering (IAM) will support the implementation of a marketplace at the FINESCE Trial Site in Terni, enabling the local actors of a smart energy system (DSO, aggregator, energy retailer and Prosumer) to trade their energy capacity and in a way to reduce transmission losses. TM-TeamWare is doing this project together with ISMB, an Italian research and innovation centre operating in the ICT domain.

Yucca Studios, a Portuguese start-up specialized on online games, will produce a Social Puzzle Game with a Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) called Energytown. The game will be playable on mobile devices. And it will be a social and engaging serious game, connected to social networks. The aim of the game is to promote the concept of smart energy usage and to learn about smart energy topics. In the course of the game, the user will learn and absorb several aspects related with FINESCE and its trial sites.

XLAB Research is one of the strongest computer science research teams outside the academic world in Slovenia. For the FINESCE Trial Sites in Horsens, Malmo and Aachen, XLAB will provide a set of standardized visualisation widgets to get a holistic view on energy consumption and generation, weather, in-house temperature, and other data in real-time or as measured historically. These widgets will enable visualisation of a combination of various data sources, various types of gauges and graphs. The web framework and widgets will be based on the Application Mashup Generic Enabler.