Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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1st ECFI - Advanced ICT for Smart Energy
At the 1st European Conference on the Future Internet (ECFI), the FINESCE Trial Sites are, for the first time, present demonstrations to the larger public on how they are implementing Future Internet technology to make the energy sector ‘Smarter’.
Date: 02/04/2014
The FINESCE trial sites are covering key elements of a future energy system, like smart customers and smart buildings, electric vehicles including load balance service to the electricity grid, an electronic energy marketplace and a cross-border Virtual Power Plant in combination with a smart factory with flexible energy consumption.
Today and tomorrow, the latest interim results of the FINESCE trial are presented in the 1st ECFI exhibition via live demonstrations of how Information and Communication Technology is implemented in the respective trials. Through several live web interfaces, the FINESCE trial site experts explain key features of their respective trial, such as optimising energy consumption for smart buildings, shifting of residential energy consumption, processing of weather forecasting data by using Big Data clusters, observing and plotting consumption (e.g. grouped by commercial, domestic and industrial sector) as well as show what a control panel for a smart factory looks like. Additionally, a demonstration concerning electric vehicle charging schedules optimised by a Charge Optimisation System is present at the FINESCE exhibition booth. Another highlight is the smart renewable energy world model with interactive controls where visitors are able to learn about – and control a Virtual Power Plant model.
Impressions from the event: