Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: Pre-conference workshop at UtiliNet Europe
2.7. - 4.7.2013, Brussels, BelgiumAt the pre-conference workshop on IP technology as an opportunity for utilities, over 20 utility participants engaged in a lively discussion with presenters on the challenges of network support for utility operations. Presentations on the merging of ICT with the energy sector and the changing scenarios in the energy sector were complemented by presentations on the latest networking technologies, such as LTE wireless networks and SDN (software defined networks) and by an example of the network evolution plans of ESB, an energy network operator, in Ireland. ESB is trialing the use of a distributed optical switch network and 4G wireless in the European Commission co-funded FINESCE project. A lively discussion took place between presenters and participants on the opportunities and challenges of change in the energy sector and in the networking technologies available to them.
For further information on agenda and speakers of the Pre-conference workshop and on the main conference visit the homepage of UtiliNet Europe 2013.