Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: 10th Smart Grid Stakeholder Group Meeting
20.5.2014, 11:00 - 17:00, Graz, Austria
After a general introduction to the FINESCE project and the FI-PPP programme by the project coordinator Fiona Williams (Ericsson), Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult) kicked off the workshop with a talk on new opportunities on end user engagement from the S3C project (Smart Consumer, Smart Customer, Smart Citizen).
After that, Tobias Graml from BEN Energy showed that web platforms are already successful in engaging customers, if they include the right features to attract customers and keep them interested.
Finally, representatives from the FINESCE trial sites in Ireland, Denmark and Germany gave the audience an insight into how customer engagement can be realized using the FI-WARE Generic Enablers.
The workshop closed with Dr. Srdjan Krco, one of the new FINESCE partner that joined by winning the Phase 2 Open Call, who presented examples and ideas on how he and his team at DunavNET well translate the FINESCE Smart Energy topics into a serious game.
11:00 Registration
11:15 Welcome and Introduction to FINESCE and the FI-PPP (download, PDF, 1.2MB)
- Fiona Williams, Ericsson
11:35 1st Keynote: How to make you consumers smarter: A new opportunity for energy retailers (download PDF, 4.5MB)
- Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Consult
12:00 2nd Keynote: Ben Energy: How utilities can successfully interact with their customers via internet platforms (download PDF, 2.8MB)
- Dr. Tobias Graml, Ben Energy
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Introduction Round
14:00 Innovation: How to create your own smart energy application with Future Internet technology and get funded by the European Commission (download PDF, 2MB)
- Alexander von Jagwitz, B.A.U.M. Consult
14:15 How user profiles support a reliable infrastructure for Electric Vehicles - FINESCE Trial Site Ireland (download PDF, 1MB)
- John Howard, ESB
14:45 Coffee Break
15:00 Smart prosumers in a Living Lab enabled by FI technologies - FINESCE Trial Site Horsens (download PDF, 1.2MB)
- Janina Schneiker, B.A.U.M. Consult
15:20 Fast and scalable implementation of energy management in factories through FI technologies - FINESCE Trial Site Aachen (download PDF, 1.2MB)
- Julian Krenge, FIR at RWTH Aachen University
15:40 Serious Energy Games: Learn and Play (download PDF, 200KB)
- Dr. Srdjan Krco, DunavNET
16:00 Discussion
16:45 Wrap-up and Outlook
- Fiona Williams, Ericsson
17:00 Finish
Energie Steiermark AGLeonhardgürtel 10
A-8010 Graz
For further information on the Smart Grids Week 2014, visit the conference website.