Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: FINESCE Innovation Event Horsens
9.10.2013, Horsens, Denmark
On Wednesday, October 9th, Vitus Bering Innovation Park in Horsens an innovation event arranged by the large European Smart Energy project FINESCE. Around 40 Danish and international entrepreneurs, SMEs and research institutions had turned up to hear more about the project and the opportunity to win 50,000 euros. In addition, the chance to network with investors and industry professionals had served as an extra motivational factor for a lot of the participants.
After a welcome presentation from Insero, who was the host of the day, participants were introduced to the project and the various trial sites, which are spread across Europe and are still looking for partners. Afterwards, the participants entered the stage with 99-second 'pitches', where they presented their idea and their business concept.
As part of the project's next phase, which among other things consists of forming a strong network within the IT and energy sector, the entire day focused on the networking aspect. And already before lunch, the small 'pitches' had sparked interesting conversations between the participating investors and entrepreneurs.
After lunch, there were various workshops where the talks could continue - this time focusing on how the various companies could see their technologies and products as part of the different trial sites in the project. Especially the local trial site in Work Package 2 - also known as Insero Live Lab – attracted great interest from the participants. The trial site includes 25 single family households in the village of Stenderup near Horsens, which will test the latest energy technologies that are intelligently linked together in a so-called Smart Grid.
During the day, a lot of networking took place and valuable contacts were made - both within the framework of the project but also in regards to future collaborations, and several of the participating companies came closer to getting their hands on the 50,000 Euros, which they can win in order to develop their technology as part of the project.
10:00 h Key Note Speech (Karsten Lumbye Jensen, Insero) download presentation
10:15 h Presentation of the European Future Internet program (FI-PPP) and FINESCE overview (Fiona Williams - Ericsson) download presentation
10:30 h Open Call procedure (Alexander von Jagwitz, B.A.U.M. Consult) download presentation
10:45 h Presentation trial sites
- Smart City Hyllie/Malmö, Sweden (Alexander von Jagwitz, B.A.U.M. Consult), download presentation
- Smart Region Horsens, Denmark (Andy Drysdale, Insero), download presentation
- Cross border Virtual Power Plant and Smart Factory Köln/Aachen, Germany (Julian Krenge, FIR), download presentation
- Electronic Market Terni, Italy (Alexander von Jagwitz, B.A.U.M. Consult), download presentation
- E-Car grid integration and substation communication Ireland, Dublin (Fiona Williams), download presentation
11:30 h 99 seconds presentations of participants
13:00 h Lunch
14:00 h Networking sessions according to the requests and needs of the meeting participants
16:00 h Closure
16:30 h Informal Networking, Open questions
For more information on the Open Call check
Impressions from the Innovation Event in Horsens

Alexander von Jagwitz (B.A.U.M. Consult) presenting Open Call issues (Photo: FINESCE)

Networking table of Insero (Photo: R. R. Hedegaard, Insero)

Informal networking (Photo: R. R. Hedegaard, Insero)
Find out more:
- Information on the FINESCE Open Call
- Information on FINESCE Innovation events
- Review Innovation Event Germany, Berlin: 10th September 2013
- Review Innovation Event Ireland, Dublin: 12th September 2013
- Review Innovation Event Sweden, Malmo/Hyllie: 1st October 2013
- Review Innovation Event Denmark, Horsens: 9th October 2013
- Review Innovation Event Italy, Terni: 17th October 2013
For further questions please do not hesitate to ask and contact us!Alexander von Jagwitz
B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH
Gotzinger Str. 48/50
81371 München
Organiser: Insero and B.A.U.M. Consult on behalf of the FINESCE consortium