Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
Latest news
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17.06.2015 Special Session on Event-based Energy Metering and Control at EBCCSP 2015 in Krakow, Poland
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20.04.2015 Flexible Electrical Networks FEN - 3. Low-voltage workshop
27.03.2015 Review: FINESCE at the Net Futures 2015
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FI-PPP Infoday and Brokerage event
17.9. - 18.9.2013, Poznan, PolandThe objective of the two-day event is to build Future Internet partnerships across Europe in order to facilitate international cooperation and bring together stakeholders from the EU and its Associated Countries. A special focus will be on the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP). FINESCE project partner Rafal Artych (Orange Labs, Poland) will be contributing with a presentation about FINESCE on the second day of the event.
Poznan Science Center, H. Wieniawskiego 17/19, 61-713 Poznan, Poland
For further Informations and the full agenda follow the link to Digital Agenda for Europe.
Organiser: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE), Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC)