Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: FI-PPP Open Call Information Day
25.9.2013, 13:00 - 17:00, Brussels, BelgiumThe Open Call information day held on 25th September at the University Foundation in Brussels gained a strong interest. Around 100 people attended to follow presentations about the Open Calls initiated by the FI-PPP phase 2 projects. The information day aimed to give potential proposers first-hand information on the details of the Open Calls.
All FI-PPP phase 2 projects (FI-CONTENT, FI-STAR, FIspace, FINESCE, and FITMAN), as well as the capacity building and infrastructures project XIFI run Open Calls for new project partners to complement their work.
FINESCE as the Smart Energy related project of FI-PPP framework was represented by project coordinator Fiona Williams. The FINESCE Open Call already started on 16 September and will close on 13 November.
There are two different possibilities for joining the FINESCE Open Call and get funding up to 350,000 euro. Based on FI-Ware functionality FINESCE Open Call Area 1 supports SME to bring new ideas for applications and services into the Smart Energy sector. Area 2 addresses organisations interested to join the consortium by undertaking R&D work on different tasks within the trial sites of FINESCE.
FINESCE will contribute to the development of an open IT-infrastructure to be used to develop and offer new app-based solutions in all fields of the Future Internet. The project runs a series of field trials at trial sites in 7 European countries.
Further informations on FINESCE Open Call:
Review of Open Call Information Day by FI-PPP:
Agenda, download presentations:
Organiser: CONCORD