Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: NWGN 9th General Assembly Meeting
17.1.2014, Tokyo, Japan
The FINESCE project was represented at this event by Dr. Fiona Williams, who held a presentation with the title 'Towards Future Internet and 5G in Europe' that covered current market trends, an overview of the FI-PPP, information about the implementation of ICT at the FINESCE trial sites as well as an outlook on the new 5G-PPP in the Horizon 2020 context.
The presentation on the FI-PPP and FINESCE was held in part two of the meeting, which revolved around the common theme: Demonstration toward Practical Use and Realisation of New Generation Networks.
For further information, visit the NWGN website and download the presentation by Dr. Fiona Willams, here (PDF, 5.4MB).
Part 1 (13:00)
1. About Election of Executives
2. Activity Report of 2013 and Action Plan of 2014
Part 2 (15:30)
Common Theme: "Demonstration toward Practical Use and Realisation of New Generation Networks"
1. Invited Speech 1: Introduction of US Ignite Project (Dr. Milos Manic, University of Idaho)
2. Invited Speech 2: Introduction of FI-PPP Programme (Dr. Fiona Williams, Ericsson)