Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: IEEE PES ISGT Conference 2014
19.2. - 22.2.2014, Washington, DC, USAThe project manager, Dr. Fiona Williams (Ericsson), represented FINESCE at the Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) in Washington, DC, which is sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy Society. Her presentation on ‘European Utilities Driving Open Innovation in the Energy Market Enabled by Future Internet Technology’ covered key issues of the FI-PPP programme as well as activities and possibilities to get involved in the FINESCE project.

Electric utilities have been in the business of energy system innovation since the time of Edison.
This panel explored utility innovation and technology development processes as well as several key electric utility driven innovations that have been deployed in the last year or are in the process of being deployed.
A key issue that was discussed is the role of disruptive technologies in utility innovation and how utilities manage such disruptive technologies while ensuring that they remain focused on their primary mission of the safe, reliable operation of the power system.
For further information, visit the Conference Website and download the presentation (PDF, 1.7MB) by Dr. Fiona Williams.