Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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FINESCE Open Day Trial Site Horsens - Register now!
2.12.2014, Horsens, DenmarkThe FINESCE Open Day at the Horsens Trial Site will offer first hand insight into the workings of a living laboratory just as there will be relevant information for entrepreneurs and start-ups regarding the possibilities of receiving support and participating in the FIWARE Accelerator Programme.

Here, we will focus on lessons learned during the FINESCE project – both regarding the technological aspects and the overall benefit of the project, but also regarding what it’s like working with user involvement of real people in a real-life setting.
There will be a demonstration of the intelligent control of the energy equipment, and it will also be possible to visit some of the participating families, hear about their experiences and see the various installation types, e.g. the revolutionary sun well.
Focus on entrepreneurs and start-ups
The second part half of the day will take place in Vitus Bering Innovation Park in Horsens – home of the project partner Insero Business Services. Here, the focus will be on FI-PPP / FIWARE, and there will presentations about the programme and its purpose, just as participating companies will hear about the possibilities and conditions for receiving financial support and participating in the upcoming FIWARE accelerator programme – and in particular the INCENSe project – focusing solely on SMEs.
Participating companies will also have an opportunity to present their ideas, and time has also been set aside for networking.
Participating companies will also have an opportunity to present their ideas, and time has also been set aside for networking.
We hope to see you for an interesting day in Horsens!
Preliminary Agenda
08:45 | Meeting point at Stenderup Forsamlingshus, Stenderupvej 4, 8781 Stenderup for a light breakfast |
09:00 | Welcome by Head of Innovation at Insero, Karsten Lumbye Jensen |
09:15 | Introduction to our trial site in Horsens
10:00 | Introduction to FINESCE by Fiona Williams, Research Director at Ericsson
10:20 | Visit to the families participating in the project |
11:30 | End of the programme in Stenderup by Mayor of Hedensted Municipality, Kirsten Terkilsen |
12:00 | Transport to Vitus Bering Innovation Park, Chr. M. Østergaards Vej 4A, 8700 Horsens - Second half of the day |
12:30 | Lunch |
13:00 | Welcome by Andy Drysdale, Trial Site leader and CEO at Insero Business Services |
13:05 | Introduction to FIWARE Accelerator Programme by Ragnar Bergström, European Commission |
13:30 | Possibilities in the FIWARE Accelerator Programme |
14:00 | Cofee break and networking |
14:30 | 99-seconds presentation by participating SMEs |
15:00 | Official end of the day |
15:30 | Networking |
Read more about the FINESCE Trial Site Horsens.
Organiser: Insero on behalf of the FINESCE consortium